Rapid Start: Remote Work


    Let us give your employees the tools, resources, and solutions they need to be as productive, creative, and secure as possible when working from any location and on any device.

    Training / Office 365 microsoft 365

    Journey from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams. Pilot.


    IT Partners is here to support you on your journey from being an existing Skype for Business and Microsoft 365 customer to Microsoft Teams. The optimal pilot test plan incorporates scenarios that demonstrate how your users work. While individual features/tasks are important (e.g., share a live application), the end-to-end process of how users realize productivity and results should formulate our test plan.

    Training / Microsoft Teams

    GDPR Data Discovery Service

    $15,000 / ITPWW190TRNOT

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the law of the European Union on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. Our offer is a multi-step process that can be used to discover and scan data sources within the organization for personal data. The outcome of the discovery process will be a detailed inventory of data sources, together with the data they contain. Additionally, it will provide insights into how much of the data contains personally identifiable information (PII), or sensitive personal information that might be subject to the GDPR.

    Training / Office 365 microsoft 365

    Rapid Cyberattack Assessment Workshop (Full - On-site)

    $2,250 / ITPWW155TRNOT

    This workshop is an opportunity to receive deeper visibility on potential vulnerability to rapid cyberattacks. You may have already been the victim of an attack; or maybe you are unsure about your status of defensive measures, or would like to obtain a risk assessment related to rapid cyberattacks.

    Training / Office 365 microsoft 365

    Rapid Cyberattack Assessment Workshop (Remote)

    $990 / ITPWW170TRNOT

    This workshop is an opportunity to receive deeper visibility on potential vulnerability to rapid cyberattacks. You may have already been a victim of an attack; maybe you are unsure about your status of defensive measures, or would like to obtain a risk assessment related to rapid cyberattacks.

    Training / Office 365 microsoft 365

    Shadow IT Assessment Workshop (Full - 4 consulting days, 3 days on-site)

    $4,500 / ITPWW160TRNOT

    Shadow IT is a term that refers to applications and infrastructure that are managed and utilized without the knowledge of the enterprise's IT department. The Shadow IT Assessment is a structured engagement helping customers discover Shadow IT. The assessment uses Microsoft Cloud App Security to evaluate usage of cloud applications and services from within an organization network.

    Training / Office 365 microsoft 365

    Shadow IT Assessment Workshop (Remote)

    $1,900 / ITPWW180TRNOT

    Shadow IT is a term that refers to applications and infrastructure that are managed and utilized without the knowledge of the enterprise's IT department. The Shadow IT Assessment is a structured engagement helping customers discover Shadow IT. The assessment uses Microsoft Cloud App Security to evaluate usage of cloud applications and services from within an organization's network.

    Training / Office 365 microsoft 365

    Develop a Rollout Communication Plan for End Users

    1300 / ITPWW150TRNOT

    A communication plan is your road map for getting information about upcoming project(s) delivered to everyone involved. It’s an essential tool for ensuring a smooth and stress-free implementation or migration project performed on time and within budget. We will develop and approve email templates, internal website content, and any step-by-step instructions, manuals, and videos.

    Training / Office 365 microsoft 365