Transactional replication is typically used in server-to-server environments. This service is relevant when you need to minimize downtime and do not have an AlwaysOn on-premises deployment.
Our objective is to migrate a SQL Server to an Azure VM with minimal downtime.
This project will be considered successful when SQL databases are available from Azure without data loss.
IT Partner responsibilities #
- Implement SQL Server Snapshot Agent, Log Reader Agent, and Distribution Agent
- Prepare snapshot files containing schema and data of published tables and database objects
- Synchronize jobs in the distribution database on the Distributor
- Make incremental changes at the Publisher flow to Subscribers according to the schedule of the Distribution Agent, which can run continuously for minimal latency or at scheduled intervals
Client responsibilities #
- Provide a dedicated point of contact responsible for working with IT Partner and coordinate any outside vendor resources and schedules
- Configure all networking equipment, such as load balancers, routers, firewalls, and switches
- Provide access to physical and virtual servers and/or systems and services, as needed. Provide remote and/or physical access to facility and systems required to complete work.
Upon completion of the project, we will provide a project closeout report. This document will indicate the final project status including evidence of meeting acceptance criteria, outstanding issues and the final budget. If you require more extensive documentation, this can be provided for an additional fee.
Plan #
The plan may vary depending on your needs.
- Kickoff meeting
- Review SQL Server and Windows Server
- Start deployment
- Finalize deployment
- Verify and fix issues, if any
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Moving your SQL Server database to an Azure Virtual Machine via VHD image.