Our certified engineers will analyze how well you are leveraging existing and optional security controls and settings of your Microsoft 365 environment and develop a prioritized plan according to Microsoft best-practices to increase security and reduce risks.

    Have you ever wondered how secure your Microsoft 365 organization really is? Time to stop wondering -- IT Partner is here to help. Our certified engineers will analyze your Microsoft 365 organization's security based on your regular activities and security settings and develop a plan according to Microsoft recommendations to increase security and reduce risks. We share Microsoft's vision of security in the cloud and we are ready to help you protect your competitive advantage by keeping your data safer with enterprise-grade security. Real security is built on three pillars:

    1. Updated and managed Windows 10 on your devices
    2. Correctly configured Microsoft 365 environment
    3. Enterprise Mobility + Security services

    Our objective is making your Microsoft 365 safe and secure.

    IT Partner can provide #

    1. Service-level security review
    2. Secure Score increasing
    3. Anti-malware, patching, and configuration management
    4. Advanced threat protection
    5. Customer controls for security
    6. Multi-factor authentication
    7. Customer controls for privacy

    Client responsibilities #

    1. Coordinate Client resources and staff schedules
    2. Provide a dedicated point of contact responsible for working with IT Partner
    3. Provide all the necessary information for the statement of work preparation
    4. Provide an account in the required services with the rights necessary to implement the service 
    5. Coordinate any outside vendor resources and schedules
    6. Configure all network equipment, such as load balancers, routers, firewalls, and switches
    7. Review and approve engagement deliverables in a timely manner
    8. Request and approve all change management tickets (if available) in the Client environment

    Additional cost items not provided by this project #

    • Training customer team(s)

    Upon completion of the project, we will provide a project closeout report. This document will indicate the final project status, including evidence of matching acceptance criteria, outstanding issues, if any, and the final budget. If you require more extensive documentation, it can be provided for an additional fee.

    Prerequisites #

    • Must have: A Microsoft 365 subscription
    • Recommended: Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise licenses
    • Recommended: EM+S subscription

    Plan #

    The plan may vary depending on your needs.

    1. Kickoff meeting
    2. Customer security requirements research
    3. Your Microsoft 365 environment analysis
    4. Approving a plan of changes
    5. Implementation of built-in security tools and features
    6. Performing post-implementation analysis
    7. Developing a comprehensive report

    Result #

    Your Microsoft 365 environment is safer and more secure.

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