This service allows you to transfer the typical functions of a domain controller, including DNS and DHCP, to a new server.

    Domain services and active directory roles migration may be necessary if you are migrating from an SBS server to a new server, or from On-Premises solution to Microsoft 365 and you want to keep the Domain Controller in your network, but a new operating system or hardware is required.

    IT Partner responsibilities #

    1. Domain Controller preparation and promotion
    2. Transfer of Domain Controller roles
    3. Transfer of group policy, groups, and users
    4. DNS server transfer
    5. DHCP server transfer

    Client responsibilities #

    1. Coordinate Client resources and staff schedules
    2. Provide a dedicated point of contact responsible for working with IT Partner
    3. Coordinate any outside vendor resources and schedules
    4. Provide administrative access to the Active Directory domain and servers
    5. Configure all network equipment, such as load balancers, routers, firewalls, and switches
    6. Review and approve engagement deliverables in a timely manner

    Additional cost items not provided by the project #

    1. Migration to Entra ID
    2. Email and/or documents transfer to Microsoft 365
    3. Support of the devices with static network settings
    4. Remote installation of the Microsoft Windows OS on the server, if necessary, for example, when using a virtual machine or remote server management technologies -- iLO and others

    Prerequisites #

    1. The operating system for the new DC is installed
    2. All devices are configured to use a DHCP server

    Plan #

    The plan may vary depending on your needs.

    1. Kickoff meeting
    2. The new server preparation
    3. Staged transfer of roles and data
    4. Verification of work
    5. Demotion of the old DC
    6. Verification and fixing issues, if any

    Success Criteria #

    1. The new Domain Controller is available to users and can perform all necessary functions
    2. Users can log in to their PCs
    3. All GPO settings are saved
    4. The DHCP server is working and all its settings are saved
    5. The old DC is demoted and can be turned off

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    3 days