This service is about helping you start using Microsoft 365 cloud services.

    The IT Partner team has extensive experience in setting up and implementing migrations to various Microsoft 365 services. We are ready to listen to you, to understand your goals and objectives, answer any of your questions, and prepare recommendations on what products might suit you and how to best use them. We'll help you discover opportunities, and show you how to mitigate any problems that may occur, to reduce their impact on your workflow. We can explain how licensing tailored to your specific situation can help you use your budget most effectively.

    IT Partner responsibilities #

    1. Consulting on the implementation and use of Microsoft cloud services
    2. Developing and preparation of the cloud services implementation plan

    Client responsibilities #

    1. Coordinate Client resources and staff schedules
    2. Provide a dedicated point of contact responsible for working with IT Partner
    3. Coordinate any outside vendor resources and schedules
    4. Review and approve engagement deliverables in a timely manner

    Additional cost items not provided by the project #

    Please note that this service does not provide direct setting or implementation of any service, only consulting

    Related services

    Post-Migration Support for Admin

    Qualified assistance in resolving any issues after migration to the Microsoft 365 cloud services.

    Journey from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams. Pilot.

    IT Partners is here to support you on your journey from being an existing Skype for Business and Microsoft 365 customer to Microsoft Teams. The optimal pilot test plan incorporates scenarios that demonstrate how your users work. While individual features/tasks are important (e.g., share a live application), the end-to-end process of how users realize productivity and results should formulate our test plan.


    $175 per hour