The simplest path to upgrade PCs currently running Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 is through an in-place upgrade. IT Partner can help you with an update for any number of workstations in your organization

    If your organization has PCs currently running Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1 and you want to perform an update to Windows 10 without user interruption, we can provide this service and perform an automatic remote upgrade during non-working hours, keeping all compatible applications and all user files.

    This service is provided for organizations having more than 25 PCs. If you need to upgrade fewer than 25 PCs, please see Manually in-place upgrade to Windows 10 service.

    IT Partner responsibilities #

    1. Analyze the existing computers for compatibility with Windows 10
    2. Prepare the environment for an automatic upgrade (including operation system, configuration, SCCM configuration, AD configuration, and installation agent on all computers)
    3. Perform an in-place upgrade to Windows 10, keeping all the files and compatible applications already installed on the computers saved
    4. Solving problems in the update process or in case of failure

    Client responsibilities #

    1. Coordinate Client resources and staff schedules
    2. Provide a dedicated point of contact responsible for working with IT Partner
    3. Provide access to Active Directory service
    4. Provide a server (physical or virtual) for System Center Configuration Manager installation
    5. Coordinate any outside vendor resources and schedules
    6. Configure all network equipment, such as load balancers, routers, firewalls, and switches
    7. Review and approve engagement deliverables in a timely manner
    8. Solve hardware problems
    9. Be prepared to provide an onsite person (minimal technical skills needed) for assisting in case of problems that cannot be solved remotely

    Additional cost items not provided by the project #

    The following items are not provided by the project but may be necessary and should be considered with respect to the overall client objective:

    1. Support of any workstations running OS other than Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 8
    2. Firmware installation or BIOS configuration
    3. Training of end user teams
    4. Any items not specifically mentioned in the scope of the project

    Upon completion of the project, we will provide a project closeout report. This document will indicate the final project status, including evidence of matching acceptance criteria, outstanding issues, and the final budget. If you require more extensive documentation, it can be provided for an additional fee.

    Downtime status: Each upgraded computer will not work for at least two (2) hours; this time may increase, and depends on computer performance.

    Prerequisites #

    1. You must have Windows 10 compatible computers and Windows 10 licenses (can be purchased through IT Partner)
    2. All computers must be domain joined
    3. You must have a physical or virtual server with minimum 16 GB memory, 250 GB free disk space, 4 core CPU

    Plan #

    May vary depending on your needs.

    1. Kickoff meeting
    2. Preparation of the environment for automatic upgrade
    3. Analysis of the existing workstations for compatibility with Windows 10
    4. Creating and coordinating the update schedule
    5. Phased updating of all workstations in a group of several devices
    6. Verification and fixing issues

    Success Criteria #

    1. Windows 10 running on all workstations in accordance with the license
    2. All user files and compatibility applications remain in place

    Related services

    Devices monitoring

    The service for monitoring the operation parameters of such devices as computers, servers, network equipment, etc. In addition to this service, at least five hours of on-demand engineer are required each month to respond to emerging issues.

    Windows Autopilot - Initial Setup

    We will plan, design, and implement a Windows Autopilot, the future of device deployment designed to allow you to set up, pre-configure, and repurpose the devices for your environment, with little or no infrastructure in place. You will be able to deploy Windows automatically, without an image, to PCs anywhere in the world at any time.

